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您现在的位置: 首页 > 教师资格 > 备考资料 > 模拟练习 > 2016年下半年教师资格证考试《中学英语学科知识与教学能力》试题及答案
来源:联创世华 时间:2016-11-02 11:38:16 编辑:chenbeilei 浏览次数:





    1. The phrase "this year" is pronounced asin real speech.


    2. Which of the following shows the proper pronunciation of "for" in the sentence "1 will beright here waiting for you"?


    3. Can you imagine the difficulty I hadlanguage obstacles I fit studied abroad?

  A. to overcome

  B. overcoming

  C. overcome

  D. overcame

   4. It shocks us that a large percentage of middle school studentsskip breakfast, themost important meal of the day.

  A. originally

  B. namely

  C. regularly

  D. obviously

  5. The author and photographer_________coming to our university to give a lecture next Friday.

  A. was

  B. is

  C. were

  D. are

  6. Only when the CIA Director David was forced to resignthat it's hard to keep our e-mail secret.

  A. we realized

  B. realized we

  C. did we realize

  D. we did realize

  7. It was March 5,2013president Hugo cost his last fight in life at the age of 58.

  A. that

  B. when

  C. since

  D. while

  8. --I was disappointed that you didn't come to my party last night.

  --I wish_________occupied then.

  A. I'm not

  B. I wasn't

  C. I haven't been

  D. I hadn't been

  9. What type of sentence is "Tom likes apples, but Tim likes pears."?

  A. A simple sentence.

  B. A coordinate sentence.

  C. A complex sentence.

  D. None of the above.

  10. The ambiguity in "My friend drove me to the bcmk." is caused by

  A. lexical items

  B. a grammatical structure

  C. homonymy

  D. polysemy

  11. Which of the following is a communicative activity?

  A. Listening to the news report and talking about an event.

  B. Listening to the news report and filling in a form.

  C. Listening to the news report and writing the main idea.

  D. Transferring the information from the news report into a chart.

  12. Teachers who believe in the_________ model will enable students to understand themeaning and usage of the words first, and then make full use of the words iu listeniug, reading orwriting tasks, ask representatives to show products of the tasks, and give an evaluation her it at last

  when teaching vocabulary.

  A. PPP

  B. PWP

  C. PPT


  13._________ is a type of activity in which the teacher reads out a passage in normal speed for two or three times and students are to note down the words they could catch as they listen as

  much as possible.

  A. Answering questions.

  B. Gap-filling.

  C. Dictogloss.

  D. Sequencing.

  14. There are some speaking activities. Which of the following mainly focuses on the form andaccuracy?

  A. Controlled activities.

  B. Semi-controlled activities.

  C. Communicative activities.

  D. Problem-solving activities.

  15. When a teacher asks the students to find some key words from a text quickly, be/she areintended to train students'_________ strategy in reading class.

  A. skimming

  B. scanning

  C. extensive reading

  D. intensive reading

 16. Which of the following is NOT among the features of process writing?

  A. Help students to understand their own composing process.

  B. Let students discover what they want to say as they write.

  C. Encourage feedback both from the teacher and peers.

  D. Emphasize the form rather than the content.

  17. What's the teacher doing by saying "Who wants to have a try"?

  A. Controlling discipline.

  B. Giving prompt.

  C. Evaluating students' work.

  D. Directing students' attention to the lesson.

  18. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of group work?

  A. Creating some peaceful and quiet time in class.

  B. Arousing their awareness of cooperation.

  C. Promoting students' participation in the class.

  D. Encouraging different opinions and contributions to the work.

  19. What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?

  S: I go to the theatre last night.

  T: You go to the theatre last night?

  A. Correcting the student's mistake.

  B. Hinting that there is a mistake.

  C. Encouraging peer correction.

  D..Asking the student whether he really went to the theatre.

  20. Which one does not belong to subjective questions in the following English tests?

  A. Writing.

  B. Oral test.

  C. Translation.

  D. Cloze.

  请阅读Passage l,完成第21-25小题。

  Passage 1

  I am one of the many city people who are always saying that given the choice we should preterto live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a large city. I have managed to convincemyself that if it weren't for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go backto nature in some sleepy village buried in the country. But how realistic is the dream?

  Cities can be frightening places. The majority of the population live in massive tower blocks,noisy, dirty and impersonal. The sense of belonging to a community tends to disappear when youlive fifteen floors up. All you can see from your windows is sky, or other blocks of flats. Childrenbecome aggressive and nervous--cooped up at home all day, with nowhere to play; their mothefeel islated from the rest of the world. Strangely enough, whereas in the past the inhabitants of one

  street all knew each other, nowadays people on the same floor in tower blocks don't even say hello to each other.

  Country life, on the other hand, differs i~om this kind of isolated existence in that a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants of small villages together. People have the advantage of knowing that there is always someone to turn to when they need help. But country life has disadvantages too. While it is true that you may be among fiSends in a village, it is also true that you are from the exciting and important events that take place in cities. There's little possibility of going to a new show or the latest movie. Shopping becomes a major problem, anti for anythingslightly out of the ordinary you have to go on an expedition to the nearest large town. The city dweller who leaves for the country, is often oppressed by a sense of unbearable stillness and quiet.

  What, then, is the answer? The country has the advantage of peace and quiet, but suffers ti'om the disadvantage of being cut off; the city breeds a feeling of isolation, and constant noise batters the senses. But one of its tnain advantages is that you are at the centre of things; and that life doesn't come to an end at half past nine at night. Some people have found(or rather bought) a compromise between the two: they have expressed their preference for the"quiet life" by leaving the suburbs and moving to villages within commuting distance of large cities. They generally have about as much sensitivity as the plastic flowers they leave behind--they are polluted with strange ideas about change and improvement which they force on to the unwilling original inhabitants of the villages.

  21. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

  A. Large cities are dirty and noisy.

  B. A job is very important for "me".

  C. Many city people prefer village to city.

  D. Villages are tidy and peaceful.

  22. According to the author, why are cities frightening?

  A. Because the pressure of work may make people suffer.

  B. Because many blocks in city are dirty, noisy and impersonal.

  C. Because it's hard to tlnd a good job in city.

  D. Because living in a city is not safe.

  23. Which of the following is not the disadvantage of country life?

  A. It is inconvenient to buy something.

  B. Villagers can't enjoy the exciting events.

  C. Villagers have little opportunity to see a film.

  D. There are many friends around each villager.

  24. What does the last sentence of this passage mean?

  A. City people want to change country life.

  B. City people want to combine the advantages of city and village.

  C. Villages don't welcome city people.

  D. City people don't concern the feeling of villagers.

  25. The best title of the passage may be

  A. Country Life Has Many Advantages

  B. City People Prefer Village to City

  C. Country Life and City Life

  D. Cit" Life is Better Than Country Life

  请阅读Passage 2。完成第26-30小题。

  Passage 2

  It is frequently assumed that the mechanization of work has a revolutionary effect on the livesof the people who operate the new machines and on the society into which the machines have beenintroduced. For example, it has been suggested that the employment of women in industry takethem out of the. household, their traditional sphere and fundamentally alter their position in society.In the nineteenth century, when women began to enter factories, Jules Simon, a French politician,warned that by doing so, women would give up their femininity. Fredrich Engels, however,predicted that women would be liberated from the"social, legal, and economic subordination" ofthe family by technological developments that made possible the recruitment of "the whole femalesex .., into public industry." Observers thus differed concerning the social desirability ofmechanization's effects, but thev agreed that it would trmsiorm women's lives.

  Historians, particularly thnse investigating the history of women, now seriously question thisassumption of transforming power. They conclude that such dramatic technological innovations asthe spinning jenny, the sewing tnachine, the typewriter, and the vacuum cleaner have not resultedin equally dramatic social changes in women's economic position or in the prevailing evaluation ofwomen's work. The employment of young women in textile mills during the Industrial Revolutionwas largely and extension of an older pattern of employment for young, single women as domestics.It was not the change in office technology, but rather the separation of secretarial work, previouslyseen as an apprenticeship for beginning managers, from administrative work that in the 1880'screated a new class of "dead end" jobs, thenceforth considered "women's work". The increase inthe numbers of married women enployed outside the home in the twentieth century, had less to dowith the mechanization of housework and an increase in leisure time for these women than it didwith their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool ofsingle women worke, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would hire.

  Women's work has changed considerably in the past 200 years, moving from the household tothe ofiice or the factory, and later becoming mostly white-collar instead of blue-collar work. Fundamentally, however, the conditions under which women work have changed little since the Industrial Revolution: the segregation of occupatious by gender, lower pay for women as a group,jobs that require relatively low levels of skill and offer women little opportunity for advancement all persist, while women's household labour remains demanding. Recent historical investigation has

  led to a major revision of the notion that lec.hnology is always inherently revolutionary in its effectson society. Mechanization may even have slowed any change in the traditional position of womeu

  both in the labour market and in the home.

  26. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

  A. The mechanization of work has a revolutionary eftct.

  B. The social mechanization would "aftct women's lives.

  C. The social status of women has changed.

  D. Observers have different ideas about the effect of social mechanizatiou.

  27. The underlined word "innovations" in Para.2 may be replaced by

  A. efficiency

  B. productivity

  C. innovations

  D. transforming

  28. Why did the numbers of married women employers increase in the 20th century?

  A. The mechanization of housework.

  B. The married women have much spare time.

  C. The employers don't want to hire the single women.

  D. Because of their own economic uecessity and high marriage rates.

  29. Which of the following statement is Not true?

  A. Now the phenomenon of choosing employees by gender does no longer exist.

  B. Women have little opportunity for promotion.

  C. Women are needed to do much housework.

  D. Women always get low pay in their occupations.

  30. The best title of the passage may be

  A. The Influence of Mechanization

  B. The Status of Women is Changing

  C. Changes of Women's Work

  D. Are Women and Men Equal?







  T: Ok!Next, let's read the text and choose the best heading for each paragraph. Read the passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph.

  (5 minutes later)

  T: Now, who can show us the answer?

  SI: B, A, C, F, E.

  T: You are clever, but, do you have any other ideas for Paragraph 3?

  S l: Ohsorry, It's D.

  T: Excellent!Now we have known the main meaning of each paragraph. This time let'sread each paragraph carefully. Then, make a group discussion and try to fill in the form.10minutes please.

  (lO minutes later.)

  T: Time is up. Which group wants to show your form to us? Ok, Group 1.

  $2: ...

  T: Well done. Do you agree with them?

  Ss: Yes!

  T: Ok, very good.







  teaching objectives

  teaching contents

  key and difficult points

  major steps and time allocation

  activities and iustifications





  3a Read the three notes. Match each note with the correct situation.

  Thank-you note for a girl.

  Thank-you note for a party.

  Thank-you note for help.

  Note 1

  Dear Kim,

  Sometimes it isn't easy being the new kid at school, but I had a wonderful time on Saturdaynight. Thank you so much for inviting me. I didn't know some of the girls, but they were allreally friendly to me. And the video you showed was really funny. I feel like part of the groupnow.


  Note 2

  Dear Ton,

  Thanks for showing me the school last week. I was having a hard time finding it until youcame along. And I enjoyed meeting Carlos. He's really good at math, isn't he? He said he'dhelp me with my math project. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.


  Note 3

  Dear Aleen,

  Thanks for the tickets for next week's game. I'm sorry you and your father can't go, but I'mreally happy to have the tickets. I'm going to ask my cousin, Tommy, to go with me. I'll think ofyou as we watch the Black Socks win the game. (I hope! )

  John36 Fill in the blanks in this thank-you note.

  Dear Sarah,

  for inviting me to your house on Friday. I reallymeeting your family.And your baby sister is really______. I had atime. I'm. I had to leaveearly, but I had a family dinner. My grandfather was having his 90th tirthday party!

  Yours sincerely,






 3.【答案】B。解析:考查惯用搭配。havedifficulty(in)doing sth意为“做某事有困难”,thediffieuhyIhad overcoming language obstacles在整个句子中作宾语.I had overcoming language obstacles是省略了关系代词that的定语从句,关系代词在句中充当宾语。故选B。


  5.【答案】B。解析:考查主谓一致和时态。主谓一致中有一原则——意义一致。当and连接的两个并列主语在意义上指同一人、同一物、同一事或者同一概念时,应看作单数,谓语动词用单数。“The author and photographer”指一个人,即作家兼摄影师,排除C、D。根据“next Friday”表将来,因此答案为B,用现在进行时表将来。


  7.【答案】B。解析:考查定语从句。先行词March 5,2013在从句中作时间状语。故选8。


  9.【答案】B。解析:考查句法学知识。该句子是由but连接的两个分句,不是简单句(simple sentence),也不是复杂句(complex sentence),而是并列句(coordinate sentence)。



  12.【答案】D。解析:考查词汇教学模式。任务型教学模式“Task—based language teaching”是新课标所倡导的一种教学模式。在展示环节,教师展示让学生理解词语的意义和用法。任务环节,教师要将词汇最大限度置于听读写练习中。汇报环节,学生推举各组代表来展示听读写的任务完成情况。评价和联系环节:教师对学生的任务汇报进行评价,评价他们对新词的使用。PPP模式是指教学过程中的Presentation,Practice,production。PWP模式是教学过程中的Pre-,While-,Post-;PPT模式是Presentation,Practice and Testing。



  15.【答案】B。解析:考查阅读教学。scanning“寻读”,可以帮助学生快速找到所需信息,准确定位。故答案选B。skimming“略读”,快速浏览文本。掌握文章大意。extensive reading“泛读”,是指进行广泛、大量的阅读,可以使学生频繁地接触语言材料。自觉或不自觉地学到或掌握大量词汇,开阔学生的视野。intensive reading“精读”,是指深入细致、逐字逐句地阅读,可以深入钻研,加深知识的积累。


  Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product;

  Help student writers understand their own composing process;

  Help them build repretoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting, and rewriting;

  Give students time to write and rewrite;

  Place central importance on the process of revision;

  Let students discover what they want to say as they write;

  Give students feedback throughout the composing process(not just on the final product) to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention;

  Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers;

  Include individual conferences between teacher and student during the process of composition.






  Passage l


  22.【答案】B。解析:根据题目中的“cities frightening”可定位至第二段前两句“Cities can be frightening places.

  The majority of the population live in massive tower blocks,noisy,dirty and impemonal.”由此可知,作者认为城市可怕是因为城市嘈杂、肮脏而又没有人情味.其他选项内容文章均未提到。

  23.【答案】D。解析:根据题干中的“the disadvantage of country life”可定位至第三段,第三段提到“it is also true that you are from the exciting and important event8 that take place in cities.There’s little possibility of going to a new show or the latest movie.Shopping becomes a major problem”。A、B、C三项均符合文意,根据第三段第四句“While it is true that you may be among friends in a village,it is also true that…”可知,生活在大帮朋友间并非缺点。




  Passage 2


  27.【答案】C。解析:根据“novations”之后的内容“as the spinningjenny,the sewing machine,the typewriter,and the vacuum cleaner…”可知纺纱机、缝纫机、打字机、吸尘器之类的产生属于科技上的革新。C项“innovations”意为“革新,革命”,符合题意。

  28.【答案】D。解析:根据题于中的“the numbers ofmarried women employers increase in the 20th century,’可定位至第二段末句“llle increase in the numbers of married women employed outside the home in the twentieth century had less to do with the mechanization of housework and an increase in leisure time for these women than it did with their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool of single women workers,previously,in many cases,the only women employers would hire.”由此可知,20世纪已婚妇女职员的增加是因为她们经济上的必需性,以及结婚率的升高。D项符合。

  29.【答案】A。解析:A项意为“如今,按性别雇佣员工的现象已经不复存在。”这与第三段第二句中“the segregation of occupations by gender”(按性别区分职业)相矛盾,因此不正确。其他选项均可在第三段第二句中找到依据。






  (3)实物呈现:实物最具有直观与形象的特点,此法可用在能带来实物上课堂的一些词以及一些直接能够让学生感知的词,如面部的词,自己书包中的物件等。如:教师拿起一个同学的铅笔(pencil),问学生“What’s this?”.然后回答“It’s a pencil.”。














  Teaching Contents: The material is about writing a thank-you note.

  Teaching Objectives:

  (l) Knowledge objective

  Students can be more familiar with the topic of "thanks" and know how to express their thanks to others.

  (2) Ability objective

  Students can write a thank-you note logically and use it to express their thanks.

  (3) Emotional objective

  Students wilt have the awareness of express their thanks after others' help.

  Teaching Key and Difficult Points:

  How to make students master the methods and procedures of writing a thank-you note.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Pre-writing (7 minutes)

  At this step the teacher will ask students to do three activities.

  Activity 1: Sample reading

  Students will be asked to read 3a, and match each note with the correct situation by themselves.

  Activity 2: Discussion

  Students will be divided into 8 groups and have a discussion about"What else condition can you think out to write a thank-you note?"

  Then the teacher will make a summary on the useful ideas of writing a thank-you note.

  Activity 3: Outlining

  Students will be asked to read 3b, and illustrate the formation of letter.

  Then the teacher will make a summary on the components of a thank-you note.

  (Justification: The sample reading can help students have a basic understanding of the contents of a thank-you note. Through discussion, students' thoughts can be inspired by each other's sparkling points. The outlining can help students illustrate the main organizing structure and the most important points of the essay and make a preparation for the drafting.)

  Step 2 Writing (18 minutes)

  (1) Drafting

  The teacher will set a situation that"you could write a letter to your friend or your parents to express your thanks for his or her help according to the formation and the notes" and give students enough time to write the first draft.

  (2) Peer editing

  After the drafting, the teacher will ask students to check their notes with their deskmates. They should read the passage and check the ideas or the logical development. Also, check carefully the grammar, spelling and punctuation of their writings.

  (3) Revising

  The teacher guides students to make necessary improvements in both organisation and contents based on their editing, e.g adding new points or deleting irrelevant facts, and correcting errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar or choice of words.

  (Justification: Making the topic of writing close to students' life can stimulate their interests. Peer editing can provide an opportunity for students to share their writings and help them learn from each other. Proper guidance in revising can help students to make improvements in their writings.)

  Step 3 Assessing (5 minutes)

  The teacher will share two notes of the students and give some evaluations from the advantages and disadvantages.

  Then the teacher will tell students the meaning of thanks and ask students to revise their notes according to the evaluations after class.

  (Justification: This is also a very important part for students, from which they can find their mistakes and get to know how to correct them. It' s also a good chance for them to learn the meaning of thanks.)

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